To take care of the necessities of the man in his capacity of
consumption, the nature has been unfolded above of his capacity
of reproduction. With the wild consumerism stimulated for the
current economic model, the planet day-by-day, comes showing
fatigue signals and the nature already demonstrates that it will
not support for much time maltreatment that comes receiving on
the part from the man who, in the greed for the accumulation of
wealth, turns the coasts for the problem and continues exploring,
to the maximum, the natural resources, more necessarily the
hydrous resources that already start to become scarce themselves.
Reflections, manifestations
appear here regarding the subject, but they are isolated actions
without any practical result. The time passes and more we
approach to the abyss, without any step and nothing has been
taken in the direction to minimize the problem. It time to act
effectively in an integrated and determined action, for bequeath
a healthful planet, with full condition of life to the future
The water, for being a common
product to all indispensable humanity and to the life, would
have to be protected for severe laws, elaborated internationally,
foreseeing rigorous punishments for who disregarded them.
The example of financial institutions,
that had been created in order to promote the development of the
underdeveloped countries, that such to create a robust
cooperative in international level, involving the biggest
possible number of countries, whose name could be: Defending
International organization of the Environment (OIDMA), with the
exclusive purpose of assisting the underdeveloped countries in
the infrastructure construction for the treatment of the sewers,
therefore domestic servants as industrials? To assist in the
combat the misery in the devoid communities that, in general way,
explore the nature in predatory way, promoting the withdrawal of
its natural vegetation to transform it in coal, and so, to
guarantee the survival charity; in the combat to the traffic of
wild animals and others damages; to mainly finance programs of
reforestation in the marginal regions, where its makes necessary,
with sights to preserve sources and rivers, to all humanity,
essential the life in the planet?
How to create it is a
request question for to discuss the alternatives.